My name is Farzana and I have used the services provided by Step Forward. I saw how much it positively impacted on my life and came to a decision to support Step Forward to have their voice heard because they allowed mine to be heard.

While accessing their services I realised how I have come to appreciate Step Forwards existence, they help to fill in the gaps for young people who don’t have a support network in their personal lives. So when my therapy came to an end, I still wanted to be part of Step Forward and work to help support their presence within the local community from behind the scenes. I have come to realise the importance of being emotionally smart in this society where young people are consumed by the pressure of doing well academically and professionally within a career. Step Forward provides the education and support needed to understand that our feelings do matter regardless of how big or small they may be; they allow you to be heard. They won’t judge you or tell you what to do, but they are able to offer support, guidance and a listening ear that could enable you to make decisions for yourself.

As a new Project Volunteer for Step Forward, I have taken on the responsibility of helping to fundraise for Step Forward and also help to promote their services.

The scheme I’m currently leading on is the Recycling Cartridges Project. The cartridges project involves the local community to take part in helping raise funds for Step Forward by donating their used printer cartridges to us and we then recycle the cartridges for funds. The funds gained from the project will go back to the services provided by Step Forward, such as: Counselling, personal development, Sexual Health Clinic and many more.

How to donate your used printer cartridges

Just put your used printer cartridges in an envelope or small bag for the attention of Farzana, and either post through the door at Step Forward, 234 Bethnal Green Road or feel free to drop them off at reception if it’s during opening hours.

Being part of the Step Forward team has really helped me to grow as an individual and I hope we can make the ‘Recycling Cartridges Project’ a success. My aim is to raise £1000! I know we can do this!

“We can all stand tall but asking for help when we fall is when we can truly grow and shine.”
