As we are all aware these are extraordinary and difficult times for everyone locally, nationally and globally.

The primary purpose of Step Forward is to serve our local population by offering services which aim to improve the health, wellbeing and life chances of young people.

We recognise that in order to best reach our purpose we need to ensure we protect and safeguard our clients, volunteers, staff, partner agencies, as well as the wider population especially those who are most vulnerable.

In line with recent government and Public Health guidelines to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) we have had to take the difficult decision to enact contingency plans and temporarily close our Step Forward centre to visitors from Wednesday 18th March.

Over the last few weeks we have taken steps to support our staff team to work remotely. We have been making contact will all our clients as well as those who have recently referred into our services and have been looking at ways to best support everyone during this time. We are asking all colleagues from other agencies to hold any referrals until we are better able to respond. We will all monitor emails and get back to everyone as soon as we can.

We will continue to reach out to everyone we can and will keep you all in mind. We will be putting additional information and support on our website as well as via other social networks, so please check for any updates.

For up to date health advice relating to coronavirus we recommend checking the NHS website

For additional support you can try the following places:

The Samaritans
Tel: 116 123
Website: Samaritans

Tel: 0800 1111

24hr Tower Hamlets Mental Health Crisis Line
If you are struggling with your mental health and wellbeing and feel that you need urgent help then you can call the 24hr Tower Hamlets Mental Health Crisis Line on: 020 7771 5807.

111 NHS
If you require medical advice you can contact the 111 NHS advice service or by call 111. This is a non-emergency advice service run by NHS members of staff and is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

In any emergency situations call 999 and they will be able to advise you and offer help.

We look forward to continuing to connect with you all and hope we can all offer kindness and support to everyone who needs it at this difficult time.

Take care, look after yourself and each other.

Warmest wishes,

Jennifer Fear