[flickr id=”8252622830″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”] We are thrilled to announce that in conjunction with our new charity champions, Genesis Cinema, we are putting on two exclusive events on the 21st December 2012 to help raise funds for Step Forward. Our Patron Sir Ian McKellen will be attending Question and Answer sessions at two Charity Gala Screenings of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Ian McKellen, who stars in The Hobbit, will answering questions and discussing the film before 2 different screenings at Genesis Cinema on the night, one being in luxury Studio 5. Ian hopes that the event will help raise our profile and introduce us to new supporters.


The Q&A’s will be held at 2 screenings at Genesis on the 21st December. The tickets for Screen 1 seats 550 people and are now available through Genesis Box Office. Ticket prices include a donation of £10 to Step Forward.

VIP tickets for the private screening in Studio 5, which seats 40 people, are being auctioned by Step Forward via eBay – get your bid in here!


Genesis Cinema owner Tyronne Walker-Hebborn was introduced to the East End Charity when he attended a recent event hosted by our CEO Jennifer Fear and Ian McKellen. The event was held because Ian, who lives in Tower Hamlets, was keen to encourage people from local businesses to support the charity on their doorsteps.

Jennifer Fear CEO said:

It was great that Tyrone came to find out more about Step Forward when Ian and I recently invited local businesses to come and see what we do. We started chatting about the recent refurbishment of our local cinema Genesis, and it became obvious that we could work together to create a once in lifetime opportunity for people to talk to Ian about The Hobbit only a week after its release, whilst at the same time raising much needed funds for Step Forward. We can’t wait for December 21st, it’s going to be a great night!

Tyrone said about supporting the charity and hosting the Q&A’s at Genesis:

Being born in the East End & spending most of my working life here I have seen the changes in the area over the last 30 plus years & have heard the stories of changes from 50 years before that from my parents & grandparents alike & the thing I love most about the East End is one of the things that unfortunately brings its own problems, DIVERSITY. That is why I fully support STEP FORWARD, because they also appreciate the problems that cultural, sexual & racial diversity involve & they address them in a completely open & non-judgemental way which is why they have so much success with the young people they work with. I am proud to be associated with them personally & also through my cinema GENESIS & we’re thrilled to be working with Sir Ian McKellen for the Charity Gala Screenings of The Hobbit on the 21st December 2012.”