[flickr id=”6875007011″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”] Well done to everyone who completed our 1st ever Barclays Money Skills Training Programme at Step Forward. The programme was designed to train young people to become Money Skills Champions and was aimed at those who wanted to improve their knowledge about money issues and are enthusiastic about helping others.
Despite how important is all for all of us to be able to understand and manage our money, we know that finance isn’t always seen as the most stimulating of subjects to spend your weekend learning about. Knowing this, Solyma and Heloise put together a fun, informative and interactive 2 day programme that helped build the skills and confidence of participants.
During the course, our Champions learnt how to understand and manage their money alongside learning peer education skills and techniques. There were opportunities for everyone to share their experiences and practice new found skills in a safe and supportive environment. Champions can use their knowledge to talk to other young people about looking after their money.
At the end of the course those who took part took part in an evaluation session and were given a Barclays Goodie Bag containing resources and freebies.
When asked about their experience of training one young person said:
“Excellent because I enjoyed it, I found it interesting and I learnt a lot.”
We are pleased to hear that there are plans underway for our Champions to deliver sessions in a local school and in one of our Step Out group sessions. Watch this space for more updates!